last month i already decided wan to accept kuok foundation de loan, but 2day when i noe the jpa offer like better than kuok foundation, i feel so confusing now.. kuok foundation is a good reputation company and can oso said it is a internasional company, if i choose kuok foundation, den mayb i'l employ for them, den my future will so shiny.. another reason is my course is a professional course--accounting, if i choose jpa den work for gov, den i cant enter private kingdom anymore, den how my future leh, always goyang kaki and gossip wif other.. besides that, kuok foundation offer us half loan award, we'l receive RM32,ooo among tis 4 years, but we just nid to pay bec RM16,ooo exempt interest leh.. but the most important that i scared is kuok foundation nid to score 3.0 pngk, i scared tat i cant score it.. if i choose jpa, i just nid to score 2.4 pngk leh and i'l receive around RM10,000, no nid to pay bec, just nid to bond wif gov among 6 years, but 6 years leh, is a long long time.. moreover, the gov will send me to ulu place working o not or give me the job tat not related to my study course--accounting, such as ask me to bcome a secretary..den wat should i do in tat time.. many many things nid to think over now, the decision tat i made now will influence my future leh, so confusing ya.. jpa agreement nid send to official on the next monday, no more time to think le.. which one should i accept, jpa or kuok foundation, wanna crazy le.. who can help me..
今天, 我要到槟岛的lembaga hasil dalam negeri去stamping我的kuok foundation study award agreement,所以我找了abby陪我去。但是,我们两个都不知道lembaga hasil dalam negeri在哪里,只知道是在jetty的附近。所以,我们俩就这样搭巴士去“闯”咯。 我们上完早上的课后就约11:30am在sungai dua的guard house等,然后搭303的rapid到jetty去。到了jetty,我们就开始寻找lembaga hasil dalam negeri的building,可是走了一大圈还是找不到。途中,我们看到有pos office,brith council,roundabout,一大堆bank,做passport的地方,就是找不到lembaga hasil dalam negeri。而且,最最最惨的是我还穿高跟鞋啊,走到我的脚都要“烂”掉了,最后唯有向路人询问。哪里知道她竟叫我们往后看,一看,lembaga hasil dalam negeri大大的字就在我们后面的building。哈哈,丢脸死啦,酱大个字我们竟然看不到。但是灾难还没结束哦,我不知道stamping agreement需要setem hasil的,所以今早就把我早早就买好了的却以为没有用了的setem hasil放回宿舍的抽屉里。haizzz,为了不要白走今天这一趟,唯有到附近的pos office再花钱买setem hasil咯。走来又走去,这时我的脚已经“痛痛痛”了。 而且接下来我们还要到pragin mall去“走走”,这时我的脚已经又肿又红了,只有买双新鞋咯。但是这双鞋的价钱让我好气啊,一双拖鞋竟然要RM32.30,心痛啊,为了不要在折磨我的脚就只好忍痛买下来咯。过后,我们就要去吃大餐了,可是却找不到我们要的店——唰唰乐,就只好找kopitiam了咯。一填饱好肚子,我们就看到——唰唰乐了,要时找不到,不要时就出现在我们面前,气死啦。但是今天最令我伤心难过的是我的钱包大出血啊。当我经过卖包包的小档口时,我看中了一个包包,很贵,我不打算买的,可是那个卖的人是一个老婆婆,她一直向我推销,我看它酱老了还出来做生意,就心软了。T.T。 今天买了最有纪念价值的东西是和abby一起买了一件一样图案的t-shirt噢,只是衣的颜色不一样而已,我的pink colour,abby的white colour,我们打算找同一天一起穿这件衣服哟。 唉,今天什么感觉都尝过了,回到宿舍又很累,早早睡吧,明天还有校园路线的总彩排,加油加油。。。